How to fetch android sqlite db file from device in Mac Xamarin/Visul Studio.

Here i'm going to share one of the simple method to fetch sqlite database file from android device for xamarin or visul studio installed in mac machine. 
Recently when i was checking data stored in the sqlite db from android device, i couldn't do it easily as i fail to run ADB commands from my terminal.

Same if you are fetching DB file from Emulator it is pretty straight forward. 
Launch Device Monitor(Tools-> Device Monitor) 
select Emulator from left pane
select File Explorer from right pane 
Navigate to app data base file-> /data/data/com.appName.MyApp/databases/
Select required database file->"Pull a file from device" option from top right as shown in screen
Copy DB file to machine storage and open using sqlite db browser(

To fetch DB from android device using Windows machine we can use the following ADB command